
来自广西师范大学-冯碧斓发布于:2024-03-08 12:24:14
祝所有女性都做飞鸟 May all women be birds of prey 有指引航线,而非锁链 With guiding courses, not chains 做大树,而非菟丝花 Be a tree, not a flower 做炬火,做灿烂星光 Be a torch and a bright star 祝你昂扬、祝你铮铮 May you soar, may you clank 祝你挣脱枷锁击碎天花板 May you break free from your chains and shatter the ceiling 祝你扎根大地挺直脊梁 May you be rooted in the earth and straighten your back 要祝她铮铮,祝她昂扬 Wish her a clank, wish her a rise 祝她以花的姿态自由盛开 而不是祝她早生贵子 Not wish her a baby
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