小词详解 | embark

来自广西财经学院-商外院易班工作站发布于:2020-06-02 16:39:18


  • Mr Blum runs through the early history of weather prediction before embarking on a grand tour of forecasting institutions across Europe and America.
  • Huawei is embarking upon this new legal battle at a moment when, despite the onslaught from Washington and apprehension in other world capitals, the company’s fortunes appear to be looking up.


[verb] begin (a course of action)
[动词] 开始(一个动作过程)


Embark 由 em ( in )+ bark (树皮)构成, 其中 bark 一词由“树皮”引申为“木头”。

古代人们用木头制造小船,所以 bark 在此表示“用木头做成的小船”,这样 embark 的字面意思即 in ship (在船上),其本义也就是“上船(或飞机、汽车等)”,比如装货(embark cargo)、从纽约港搭船去欧洲(embark for Europe at New York harbour)。

当人们跳入船中时,也就是船开始航行之际,进而引申出动词短语 embark on/upon something 来表示“从事,着手,开始(新的或艰难的事情)”,比如开始外交生涯(embark on a diplomatic career)、发动战争(embark on a war)。


Our Party united the people and led them in embarking on the right revolutionary path, using rural areas to encircle the cities and seizing state power with military force. We completed the New Democratic Revolution through 28 years of painful struggle, and founded the People’s Republic of China in 1949, thus marking China’s great transition from a millennia-old feudal autocracy to a people’s democracy.

出自十九大报告《决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利》(Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)。


  • institute: introduce or establish (a scheme, undertaking, or policy)
  • initiate: cause (a process or action) to begin
  • tackle: make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)
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