【英语翻译】上海海洋大学文法倪欣澄#“忆百年党史,品四史经典” 多语书朗译大赛

来自上海海洋大学-倪欣澄发布于:2021-03-14 22:49:51

As soon as I came here, I thought of the sobbing years of the Revolutionary War. In the city Meng this red land, the birth of countless songable hero children, the six sisters, The deeds of Lummon's mother and Lu Meng's red sister-in-law are very moving. The spirit of Lumen and the spirit of Yan'an, Jinggangshan The spirit, like the spirit of Xibaipo, is the precious spiritual wealth of the Party and the country, and should be constantly combined with the new The conditions of the times are flourishing. (From Xi Jinping's speech during his visit to Shandong, November 2013 24th and 28th of the month)

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