
来自上海海洋大学-杨姣发布于:2021-03-14 18:05:28
Day7 山西也是具有光荣革命传统的地方,是八路军总部所在地,是抗日战争主战场之一,建立了晋绥、晋察冀、晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地,平型关大捷、百团大战等闻名中外,太行精神、吕梁精神是我们党宝贵的精神财富。这些都要充分挖掘和利用,以丰富多彩的历史文化、红色文化资源为山西发展提供精神力量。(摘自习*在山西考察工作结束时的讲话2020年5月12日) Day7 Shanxi also has the glorious revolutionary tradition of the place, is the location of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, is the resistance One of the main battlefields of the Japanese War, the establishment of Shan-Suiyuan, Shan-Cha-Ji, Shan-Hei-Shan-Yu anti-Japanese base, Ping Type Guan Dajie, 100 regiment war famous at home and abroad, taihang spirit, luliang spirit is our party precious Spiritual wealth. These should be fully excavated and utilized to enrich the colorful historical culture and red The color culture resources provide spiritual strength for the development of Shanxi. (Excerpt from Xi Jinping's visit to Shanxi Closing Remarks, May 12, 2020)
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