Day 5
王杰“在荣誉上不伸手,在待遇上不伸手,在物质上不伸手”, 这“三不伸手”是一面镜子,共产党员都要好好照照这面镜子。一不 怕苦、二不怕死是血性胆魄的生动写照,要成为革命军人的座右铭。 王杰精神过去是、现在是、将来永远是我们的宝贵精神财富,要学习 践行王杰精神,让王杰精神绽放新的时代光芒。(摘自习*在视察 第七十一集团军时的讲话,2017 年 12 月 13 日)
Day 5
Wang Jie "do not stretch your hand in honor, do not stretch your hand in treatment, do not stretch your hand in material", this "three do not stretch your hand" is a mirror, the Communist Party members should take a good look at this mirror. One is not afraid of suffering, two is not afraid of death is a vivid portrayal of blood courage, to become the motto of revolutionary soldiers. The spirit of Wang Jie was, is, and will always be our valuable spiritual wealth, to study and practice the spirit of Wang Jie, so that the spirit of Wang Jie blossomed into a new era of light. (From Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection of the Seventy-first Army Group, December 13, 2017)
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