Day 3
来到这里深受感动、深受教育。我们党的每一段革命历史,都是 一部理想信念的生动教材。全党同志一定要不忘初心、继续前进,永 远铭记为民族独立、人民解放抛头颅洒热血的革命先辈,永远保持中国共产党人的奋斗精神,永远保持对人民的赤子之心,努力为人民创 造更美好、更幸福的生活。(摘自习*在山西考察工作时的讲话, 2017 年 6 月 21 日-23 日)
Day 3
I was deeply moved and educated by coming here. Every piece of revolutionary history of our Party is a vivid teaching material of ideals and beliefs. All Party comrades must never forget the original intention and continue to move forward, always remember our revolutionary ancestors who threw their heads and blood for national independence and people's liberation, always maintain the spirit of struggle of the Chinese Communists, always maintain the heart of the people, and strive to create a better and happier life for the people. (From Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection in Shanxi, June 21-23, 2017)
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