【英语翻译】上海海洋大学外国语学院陈志清#“忆百年党史,品四史经典” 多语书朗译大赛

来自上海海洋大学-陈志清发布于:2021-03-08 22:42:36
day1 我一来到这里就想起了革命战争年代可歌可泣的峥嵘岁月。在沂蒙这片红色土地上,诞生了无数可歌可泣的英雄儿女,沂蒙六姐妹、沂蒙母亲、沂蒙红嫂的事迹十分感人。沂蒙精神与延安精神、井冈山精神、西柏坡精神一样,是党和国家的宝贵精神财富,要不断结合新的时代条件发扬光大。 As soon as I came here, I was reminded of the memorable days of the revolutionary war.On the red land of Yimeng, countless heroic sons and daughters are born. The deeds of six sisters, mother and sister-in-law of Yimeng are touching.Yimeng spirit, like Yan 'an spirit, Jinggangshan spirit and Xibaipo spirit, is the precious spiritual wealth of the Party and the country, which should be carried forward in light of the new conditions of The Times.
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